Refer your friends and receive a HK$40 coupon!

How it works

  • 1. Get your link

    1. Get your link

    Click on "Get your HK$40 coupon now", log into your PayPal account and generate your personalised referral link.

  • 2. Refer PayPal to your friends

    2. Refer PayPal to your friends

    Share your referral link via WhatsApp, email or on your social network, and have your friends create their PayPal account with it.

  • 3. Enjoy your reward

    3. Enjoy your reward

    You will receive a HK$40 coupon* within 14 days after a friend uses your referral link to create an account and spends a minimum of HK$40 with any merchant that accepts PayPal.

Refer PayPal to your friends

*Aklamio is responsible for the creation of the referral link while PayPal is responsible for the fulfillment of rewards.